TeamViewer 14 is Here The new standard for remote control and remote support
Performance. The new benchmark.
Better Performance for Low BandwidthSo you’re able to connect wherever you are. Streamlined Server InfrastructureFor increased stability and uptime. Improved Connection QualityProvides better connection speed globally. Optimized for Best Performance on macOS MojaveTeamViewer uses the latest macOS Mojave technologies.
TeamViewer 14 Helps IT Admins Solve Daily Challenges
Speed is essential for IT admins, whether they’re performing routine processes or responding to emergency situations. Time-saving new features allow admins to:
Add up to 25 user-defined fields for your device information and group devices for better visibility and organization.
Perform updates twice as fast by saving processes as scripts and running them with one click during a session. Advanced Device Grouping
You can use the custom device information for optimal management and arrange the devices in your Computer & Contacts list according to your current needs.
One-Click Remote Script Execution
Use scripts to automate recurring processes and save time on routine tasks.
Upload scripts to the Management Console for easy and convenient access during each session. Save time and money by automating repetitive processes.
Optimized for Best Performance in macOS Mojave
TeamViewer is now optimized for macOS 10.14 Mojave.
With improved image quality and intelligent resource allocation, TeamViewer provides you with the most innovative and powerful remote control sessions on the Market.
Custom Device Information
Add the information you need for your daily work to the devices in your Computers & Contacts list. Display
details such as operating system, manufacturer, department, or any option you specify.
Centrally configure the important fields for your company in the Management Console so your colleagues can enter the relevant information in the Computer & Contacts list.
Performance Increase on Low Bandwidth
On average, 1 out of 5 TeamViewer sessions runs on low bandwidth connections (<1 Mbit / s).
Our new version improves speed and reliability for our users running on those connections due to smart adaptive compression that auto-detects low bandwidth and adjusts compression.
Enhanced Connection Quality
Experience better connection quality with reduced latency. When starting TeamViewer, you’ll now connect to the nearest server rather than master servers in Germany.
We’ve expanded our network infrastructure worldwide to increase performance while also laying the foundation for your future growth.
Servicecamp Integration in QuickSupport
Make your service more accessible to your customers by giving them the ability to create a service camp ticket within the Quick Support module, even if the supporter is offline.
You can add custom information to proactively collect details so that the supporters are optimally prepared for the session.
Dark Mode
Dark Mode lets you work the way you want to. The dark user interface for Mac, Linux, and Windows is more eye-friendly and helps you concentrate, especially in dark environments.
Switch between light and dark interface as needed on Windows, Linux, and macOS Mojave.
New Design
Enjoy a cleaner, more efficient TeamViewer experience.
The improved color scheme provides a more intuitive design with simplified button alignment and significant layout changes. Discover the new, clear TeamViewer interface.
New iOS Screen Sharing Workflow
Launch iOS screen sharing even more efficiently with this new extension. Once a session starts, the user can get help with a simple click.
Your connection partner simply has to press the button embedded in the chat in the QuickSupport app and the screen sharing will start immediately.
Trusted Device Management
Keep track of the devices, browsers, and IP addresses that you have trusted.
Administrators can also view all of the company’s trusted devices and easily remove them in an emergency for maximum security.
Get the details.